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GPT-4 Vision can be used with magentic by using the UserImageMessage message type. This allows the LLM to accept images as input. Currently this is only supported with the OpenAI backend (OpenaiChatModel).

Return types

gpt-4-vision-preview does not support function-calling/tools so only str, StreamedStr, and AsyncStreamedStr work as return types.


By default, gpt-4-vision-preview has a low value for max_tokens so you will likely need to increase it.

For more information visit the OpenAI Vision API documentation.


The UserImageMessage can be used in @chatprompt alongside other messages. The LLM must be set to an OpenAI model that supports vision, currently gpt-4-vision-preview and gpt-4-turbo (the default ChatModel). This can be done by passing the model parameter to @chatprompt, or through the other methods of configuration.

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

from magentic import chatprompt, UserMessage
from import UserImageMessage


class ImageDetails(BaseModel):
    description: str = Field(description="A brief description of the image.")
    name: str = Field(description="A short name.")

    UserMessage("Describe the following image in one sentence."),
def describe_image() -> ImageDetails: ...

image_details = describe_image()
# 'Wooden Boardwalk in Green Wetland'
# 'A serene wooden boardwalk meanders through a lush green wetland under a blue sky dotted with clouds.'

For more info on the @chatprompt decorator, see Chat Prompting.


In the previous example, the image url was tied to the function. To provide the image as a function parameter, use Placeholder. This substitutes a function argument into the message when the function is called.

from magentic import chatprompt, Placeholder, UserMessage
from import UserImageMessage


    UserMessage("Describe the following image in one sentence."),
    UserImageMessage(Placeholder(str, "image_url")),
def describe_image(image_url: str) -> str: ...

# 'A wooden boardwalk meanders through lush green wetlands under a partly cloudy blue sky.'


UserImageMessage can also accept bytes as input. Like str, this can be passed directly or via Placeholder.

import requests

from magentic import chatprompt, Placeholder, UserMessage
from import UserImageMessage


def url_to_bytes(url: str) -> bytes:
    """Get the content of a URL as bytes."""

    # A custom user-agent is necessary to comply with Wikimedia user-agent policy
    headers = {"User-Agent": "MagenticExampleBot ("}
    return requests.get(url, headers=headers, timeout=10).content

    UserMessage("Describe the following image in one sentence."),
    UserImageMessage(Placeholder(bytes, "image_bytes")),
def describe_image(image_bytes: bytes) -> str: ...

image_bytes = url_to_bytes(IMAGE_URL_WOODEN_BOARDWALK)
# 'The image shows a wooden boardwalk extending through a lush green wetland with a backdrop of blue skies and scattered clouds.'