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The StreamedStr (and AsyncStreamedStr) class can be used to stream the output of the LLM. This allows you to process the text while it is being generated, rather than receiving the whole output at once.

from magentic import prompt, StreamedStr

@prompt("Tell me about {country}")
def describe_country(country: str) -> StreamedStr: ...

# Print the chunks while they are being received
for chunk in describe_country("Brazil"):
    print(chunk, end="")
# 'Brazil, officially known as the Federative Republic of Brazil, is ...'

Multiple StreamedStr can be created at the same time to stream LLM outputs concurrently. In the below example, generating the description for multiple countries takes approximately the same amount of time as for a single country.

from time import time

countries = ["Australia", "Brazil", "Chile"]

# Generate the descriptions one at a time
start_time = time()
for country in countries:
    # Converting `StreamedStr` to `str` blocks until the LLM output is fully generated
    description = str(describe_country(country))
    print(f"{time() - start_time:.2f}s : {country} - {len(description)} chars")

# 22.72s : Australia - 2130 chars
# 41.63s : Brazil - 1884 chars
# 74.31s : Chile - 2968 chars

# Generate the descriptions concurrently by creating the StreamedStrs at the same time
start_time = time()
streamed_strs = [describe_country(country) for country in countries]
for country, streamed_str in zip(countries, streamed_strs):
    description = str(streamed_str)
    print(f"{time() - start_time:.2f}s : {country} - {len(description)} chars")

# 22.79s : Australia - 2147 chars
# 23.64s : Brazil - 2202 chars
# 24.67s : Chile - 2186 chars

Object Streaming

Structured outputs can also be streamed from the LLM by using the return type annotation Iterable (or AsyncIterable). This allows each item to be processed while the next one is being generated.

from import Iterable
from time import time

from magentic import prompt
from pydantic import BaseModel

class Superhero(BaseModel):
    name: str
    age: int
    power: str
    enemies: list[str]

@prompt("Create a Superhero team named {name}.")
def create_superhero_team(name: str) -> Iterable[Superhero]: ...

start_time = time()
for hero in create_superhero_team("The Food Dudes"):
    print(f"{time() - start_time:.2f}s : {hero}")

# 2.23s : name='Pizza Man' age=30 power='Can shoot pizza slices from his hands' enemies=['The Hungry Horde', 'The Junk Food Gang']
# 4.03s : name='Captain Carrot' age=35 power='Super strength and agility from eating carrots' enemies=['The Sugar Squad', 'The Greasy Gang']
# 6.05s : name='Ice Cream Girl' age=25 power='Can create ice cream out of thin air' enemies=['The Hot Sauce Squad', 'The Healthy Eaters']