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LLM Configuration

Magentic supports multiple "backends" (LLM providers). These are

  • openai : the default backend that uses the openai Python package. Supports all features of magentic.
    from magentic import OpenaiChatModel
  • anthropic : uses the anthropic Python package. Supports all features of magentic, however streaming responses are currently received all at once.
    pip install "magentic[anthropic]"
    from magentic.chat_model.anthropic_chat_model import AnthropicChatModel
  • litellm : uses the litellm Python package to enable querying LLMs from many different providers. Note: some models may not support all features of magentic e.g. function calling/structured output and streaming.
    pip install "magentic[litellm]"
    from magentic.chat_model.litellm_chat_model import LitellmChatModel
  • mistral : uses the openai Python package with some small modifications to make the API queries compatible with the Mistral API. Supports all features of magentic, however tool calls (including structured outputs) are not streamed so are received all at once. Note: a future version of magentic might switch to using the mistral Python package.
    from magentic.chat_model.mistral_chat_model import MistralChatModel

The backend and LLM (ChatModel) used by magentic can be configured in several ways. When a magentic function is called, the ChatModel to use follows this order of preference

  1. The ChatModel instance provided as the model argument to the magentic decorator
  2. The current chat model context, created using with MyChatModel:
  3. The global ChatModel created from environment variables and the default settings in src/magentic/
from magentic import OpenaiChatModel, prompt
from magentic.chat_model.litellm_chat_model import LitellmChatModel

@prompt("Say hello")
def say_hello() -> str: ...

    "Say hello",
def say_hello_litellm() -> str: ...

say_hello()  # Uses env vars or default settings

with OpenaiChatModel("gpt-3.5-turbo", temperature=1):
    say_hello()  # Uses openai with gpt-3.5-turbo and temperature=1 due to context manager
    say_hello_litellm()  # Uses litellm with ollama_chat/llama3 because explicitly configured

The following environment variables can be set.

Environment Variable Description Example
MAGENTIC_BACKEND The package to use as the LLM backend anthropic / openai / litellm
MAGENTIC_ANTHROPIC_MODEL Anthropic model claude-3-haiku-20240307
MAGENTIC_ANTHROPIC_API_KEY Anthropic API key to be used by magentic sk-...
MAGENTIC_ANTHROPIC_BASE_URL Base URL for an Anthropic-compatible API http://localhost:8080
MAGENTIC_ANTHROPIC_MAX_TOKENS Max number of generated tokens 1024
MAGENTIC_LITELLM_API_BASE The base url to query http://localhost:11434
MAGENTIC_LITELLM_MAX_TOKENS LiteLLM max number of generated tokens 1024
MAGENTIC_MISTRAL_MODEL Mistral model mistral-large-latest
MAGENTIC_MISTRAL_API_KEY Mistral API key to be used by magentic XEG...
MAGENTIC_MISTRAL_BASE_URL Base URL for an Mistral-compatible API http://localhost:8080
MAGENTIC_MISTRAL_MAX_TOKENS Max number of generated tokens 1024
MAGENTIC_MISTRAL_SEED Seed for deterministic sampling 42
MAGENTIC_OPENAI_API_KEY OpenAI API key to be used by magentic sk-...
MAGENTIC_OPENAI_API_TYPE Allowed options: "openai", "azure" azure
MAGENTIC_OPENAI_BASE_URL Base URL for an OpenAI-compatible API http://localhost:8080
MAGENTIC_OPENAI_MAX_TOKENS OpenAI max number of generated tokens 1024
MAGENTIC_OPENAI_SEED Seed for deterministic sampling 42

When using the openai backend, setting the MAGENTIC_OPENAI_BASE_URL environment variable or using OpenaiChatModel(..., base_url="http://localhost:8080") in code allows you to use magentic with any OpenAI-compatible API e.g. Azure OpenAI Service, LiteLLM OpenAI Proxy Server, LocalAI. Note that if the API does not support tool calls then you will not be able to create prompt-functions that return Python objects, but other features of magentic will still work.

To use Azure with the openai backend you will need to set the MAGENTIC_OPENAI_API_TYPE environment variable to "azure" or use OpenaiChatModel(..., api_type="azure"), and also set the environment variables needed by the openai package to access Azure. See